Go from Puno to Cusco by tourist bus – DAY 10

Program of the visits of the Puno Cuzco Bus

Puno - Pucara - Col de la Raya - Valée de Sicuani - Temple of Wiracocha in Racchi - Saint Peter the Apostle Church in Andahuaylillas - Cuzco

PUNO CUZCO Bus - Booking

Departure 7:00 am in TOURISMO MER tourist bus from the address below:

Av 28 de Julio (1er paradero) PUNO T 084-245171 or 984-615597

Price per person $ 60 - All inclusive: trip + entrance fees to sites + meals

I had booked the tickets in advance on their website:http://www.turismomer.com/fr

We left for 10 hours of journey (including stops, visits and lunch). The bus is comfortable but with full heat. I had a bad seat with my feet coming out of an air vent at at least 40 degrees! Not possible to lower the heating I am told ??? Tampis, I supported.

Bus PUNO CUZCO - Pucará

1er stop. Here, we visit the ruins of a military construction that was part of the defense system of Cuzco under the INCA empire. PUCARA (which means FORTRESS) is made of large walls, terraces, stairs and streets lined with sidewalks.

PUNO CUZCO bus - Passage of the Col de la Raya

Magnificent and impressive as we climb to 4 m.


Bus PUNO CUZCO - Raqchi / Wiracocha temple

Then, descent into the Sicuani valley near which we will visit Rashi at 3 m: "the temple of Viracocha ", Creator god INCA. This site has several dwellings, terraces and temples.

Racchi at 3 m with its Wiracocha temple for PUNO CUZCO BUS TOUR

Bus PUNO CUZCO - Andahuaylillas

There is the church SAINT PIERRE APOSTLE which was built in the XNUMXth century. Baroque style, it has paintings from the school of Cuzco which developed at the beginning of the Spanish occupation, original woodwork and ornaments. This church, of modest exterior appearance, bears the nickname of the Sistine Chapel of Peru for all its interior riches.


Arrive at Cuzco around 17:20 pm when Arnaud was waiting for us by car to bring us to his house a little outside of the city center.

This French man married to a Peruvian and settled there for several years is renting out a few rooms in his own house. These rooms are large and comfortable. But the shower rooms are shared and the electrical installation is not very secure ... In addition, the house is a little far from the city center which will require us to take a taxi to get there (no restaurant nearby).

Otherwise Arnaud, a very sympathetic character and in love with Peru, gives very good advice and facilitates the stays of the French in the Cuzco region (visit to archaeological sites, Matchu Picchu…). This is why I do not regret my choice.

Installation in our rooms and debriefing over the 3 days in the Cuzco region.

You will find below Arnaud's contact details if you wish to contact him:

Chez Arnaud et Evita - alagadec@yahoo.com Landline: 23-22-32 Mobile: 984-47-52-05

PUNO CUZCO Bus - What I liked?

The principle of making a long journey but with interesting tourist and cultural stops. On arrival, we do not have the impression of having done all these hours on the bus. I appreciated the organization, the punctuality and the respect of the program of visits.

PUNO CUZCO Bus - What I didn't like?

Heating in the bus !!! and the meal in a huge tourist restaurant.

Discover without delay the discovery day of PISAC and CUZCO:


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2 thoughts on “Going from Puno to Cusco by tourist bus – DAY 10”

  1. Hello,

    First of all I thank you for sharing experiences which greatly helps in the preparation of our trip.
    I had a question about the tourist bus connecting Puno-Cusco, does it stop in front of the rainbow mountains?


    1. Hello Emeline,

      You talk about the colored mountains. We would have liked to make a trek there but we did not have the time ... Regarding the tourist bus trip, no there is no stop in the rainbow mountains. All the stops on the bus tour are mentioned in the article. I wish you a good trip !

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